Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sorry For This

(( Re-posted from my previous blogspot, which uses a email address I don't use and can't change...))

This is not a story. To those new to this blog (if you're reading this and you're not me, you're a newcomer since literally nobody at all read this blog before), on February 15th, 2009 I began to see if I could write a short story every day of the year, hopefully leading to me wanting to write a new story every single day for the rest of my life. No, I did not delete the stories. There never were any posted. You see, I'm a lazy son of a bitch so the whole project failed. Yeah, I began a few stories, but only about the opening paragraph. Most days, I didn't write a damn thing. I wanted to, I really did. But I felt I was a failure if I couldn't create a 12+ page short story in a single day that was worth half a damn, and I knew I could not write even 10 pages of anything that I wouldn't just call absolute garbage and throw out. I basically ended up throwing away a lot of really good ideas that were buried in rubbish prose.

I have now realized something that I thought I knew long before I started the blog: being a good writer hardly, if at all, involves how much and how fast you can write. It's absurd. Why did I even begin to think that would work? Well, probably my involvement with a screenplay for about a year and a half at that point had something to do with it. I felt I didn't have the time to focus on other ideas while writing that screenplay, it was too important. All that time, every idea I had was strictly for the screenplay. So I put it on hiatus and felt free. Felt like I could, in fact, write entirely new stories with new characters and have them all with a deep symbolic meaning every single day. That, and I always do shit like this to myself. I attempt to do things I know for a fact I can't do but it's like what-the-fuck-ever, I'm doing it anyway! And I don't realize my mistake until waaay later.

But what is to become of this blog? Hmm, well, I haven't stopped writing by any means; it's still my favorite thing to do. I will post short stories on here if they can be read in a short sitting and I feel they are plenty good enough at the small length they will be. This blog will not be updated daily. Probably only updated once in a blue moon. But hopefully what you see will be good enough to read multiple times over and still get the same emotional effect each time. Hopefully.

Until the first story,
-Casey Cannon, hack writer.